The Freight in the Southeast Meeting was held in Tampa Florida, March 3-6, 2014. This annual meeting focuses on how changing freight operations are shaping the region's transportation system. The conference is open to anyone with an interest in regional freight corridors, multimodal freight development, and transportation-related economic development. This includes transportation companies, consultants, academia, logistics personnel, economic development organizations, government officials (federal, state, local, and elected), and metropolitan/regional planning organizations. A number of tours (Publix, CSX, Tampa Port Authority and the Tampa Airport) are also provided to allow participants to gain additional insights into the transportation system.
The Freight in the Southeast Meeting was held in Tampa Florida, March 3-6, 2014. This annual meeting focuses on how changing freight operations are shaping the region's transportation system. The conference is open to anyone with an interest in regional freight corridors, multimodal freight development, and transportation-related economic development. This includes transportation companies, consultants, academia, logistics personnel, economic development organizations, government officials (federal, state, local, and elected), and metropolitan/regional planning organizations. A number of tours (Publix, CSX, Tampa Port Authority and the Tampa Airport) are also provided to allow participants to gain additional insights into the transportation system.
The Freight in the Southeast Meeting was held in Tampa Florida, March 3-6, 2014. This annual meeting focuses on how changing freight operations are shaping the region's transportation system. The conference is open to anyone with an interest in regional freight corridors, multimodal freight development, and transportation-related economic development. This includes transportation companies, consultants, academia, logistics personnel, economic development organizations, government officials (federal, state, local, and elected), and metropolitan/regional planning organizations. A number of tours (Publix, CSX, Tampa Port Authority and the Tampa Airport) are also provided to allow participants to gain additional insights into the transportation system.
This year's conference was held in Norfolk Virginia, March 14-16. The Freight in the Southeast Conference focused a lot of different topics, which are reflected in the agenda below. Thank you for attending, and hopefully, I will see you next year.
This year's conference was held in Norfolk Virginia, March 14-16. The Freight in the Southeast Conference focused a lot of different topics, which are reflected in the agenda below. Thank you for attending, and hopefully, I will see you next year.
This year's conference was held in Norfolk Virginia, March 14-16. The Freight in the Southeast Conference focused a lot of different topics, which are reflected in the agenda below. Thank you for attending, and hopefully, I will see you next year.

About ITTS
The Institute for Trade and Transportation Studies (ITTS) is a non-profit state corporation.
As a multi-state coalition and pooled fund, the ITTS is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and ITTS member state Departments
of Transportation. The current ITTS state membership consists of the State DOTs from the following States: Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
The ITTS fosters regional collaboration among its Members and leads freight planning in the Southeast by: providing research and information concerning freight trends and freight planning; developing effective freight planning tools and procedures; and partnering with
and nurturing collaborative relationships with relevant organizations and stakeholders.

ITTS Strategic Plan
To become a national leader in freight movement analyses and planning for the public sector, so
member states may facilitate the development of a transportation freight network that helps businesses and industries thrive.
To support member states in developing their competitive advantages to capture trade opportunities and economic benefits through improved transportation planning, investments, collaboration, and operations.
To guide the organization and decision making, ITTS will:
Be collaborative, to develop and implement best practices for freight planning.
Be respectful, to each other and our partners.
Be innovative, to seek out new ideas and practices to help each member grow in knowledge and expertise.
Be inclusive, to leverage partnering opportunities with agencies or multi-state coalitions addressing similarly-themed issues.
Be bold, to lead with one voice for freight planning in the Southeast.
To accomplish its Vision, ITTS will:
Provide a platform for regional collaboration
Inform members of current and anticipated freight trends
Develop effective freight planning tools for member states
Identify and nurture close and collaborative working relationships with relevant federal and
state agencies, associations, academic institutions, and private sector firms, to keep abreast of developments in freight planning and trade, and to enhance the outcomes of work on common interests -
Assist member state DOTs to integrate freight planning into their core business procedures
Partner with other organizations, including, but not limited to, public agencies, private firms,
multi-state coalitions, and industry associations, to advance freight planning through research and collaboration
ITTS Governing Structure
The ITTS governing structure consists of the following:
A Board of Directors comprised of CEOs of the state transportation departments of the member states, or his/her designated representative;
A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) comprised of staff from member departments and
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The TAC will be responsible for developing an annual work plan for the Institute.